Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Hi Everyone,

If you enjoy romance why not give ebooks a try? The erotica lines are perfect for the ladies. These little jewels are short, hot and sexy as well as far more reasonably priced than books in print.

Give them a try. You won't be sorry.

Start with any of the following titles and see what I mean.

THE COVE, coming September 14th from Total-e-bound, historical erotica

SOPHIE'S PLEASURE, coming January 11th from Total-e-bound, contemporary erotica

TO SAVE EMMY, coming February 15th from Total-e-bound, historical erotica

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY, coming March 15th from Total-e-bound, historical erotica

Also watch for THE HOMECOMING from Freya's Bower, contemporary erotica. I'll get you the publishing date as soon as I have it.